Using DISC Assessments in the Workplace

At the heart of any successful business are motivated and engaged people. However, finding a personal development tool that works seamlessly with all your workforce’s varied strengths and limitations can feel impossible.

Your teams are made up of people with different personalities, behaviours and communication styles. Knowing how best to interact with each of them in ways specific to their personality types can enhance workplace engagement and improve overall productivity.

If you’re looking for development insights, to improve communication and introduce a more beneficial learning experience, you should consider DISC. DISC is the leading tool used worldwide to unlock potential, improve workplace efficiency and build high performing teams.

What is a DISC Assessment?

The DISC model describes four personality styles: Dominance, Influence, Steadiness and Compliance. The model’s language is based upon observable traits and describes the likely behaviours that people exhibit based on their DISC assessment results.

Based on William Moulton Marston’s pioneering research and adapted to meet the demands of the modern workplace, our DISC personality assessments help provide insight into how people think and feel. The model helps people to tailor their approach to each relationship based on the information we provide.

What Are the 4 DISC Personality Styles?

People are a mix of each of the four DISC style personality traits. However, almost everybody identifies strongly with one or sometimes two in particular. The types include:


The Dominant (D) style of the DISC behavioural model is results-focused. Those with the D style work quickly and efficiently, shaping the environment to meet their needs. They have a straightforward approach, are assertive, goal-focused and competitive. They are the type who generally prefer leading the Group rather than following someone else’s instructions.

Observable characteristics of the Dominance personality might include:

  • Competitive
  • Independent
  • Determined
  • Focussed on achieving goals
  • Controlling
  • Impatient

As you can see, some of these characteristics can help a person to excel. Still, some may cause friction within a group, notably if their opinions differ from those of another team member.

Our DISC Flow® assessment will help uncover those in the team who sit within the Dominance segment and provide insight to maximise the strengths and minimise the limitations associated with this style, helping to unlock people’s potential and lead to less conflict in the workplace.


The Influence (I) style enjoys expressing their enthusiasm, taking action and encouraging collaboration amongst their colleagues.

The I style tends to use their enthusiasm and friendly attitude to persuade those around them. They achieve positive results through building alliances and involving the whole team in their activities.

They can stimulate those around them, creating a relaxed environment for group engagement and using their high energy levels to motivate the team.

Observable characteristics of the Influence personality might include:

  • Great at generating ideas
  • Friendly and likeable
  • Motivational
  • Enthusiastic
  • Can rush and make generalisations
  • Become overly emotionally involved

As you can see, those who sit within the Influence segment have many positive qualities; however, some of their personality traits can cause friction with those who seek a more objective and serious approach to work.

DISC Flow® assessments will provide insight into the communication and learning preferences of people with the Influence profile. Not only do our reports offer insight into people’s strengths and key personality traits; they also describe the environment that is likely to bring out the best in those of this style.


Those who sit in the Steadiness (S) style tend to be calmer and more patient than others.

The S style has a remarkable ability to bring stability to any situation. They’re able to reassure, promoting a calm and collected presence to those around them. They demonstrate a love for routine and perseverance, greatly enjoying the day-to-day normalities of their role.

Some of the quietest but most helpful people in the Group; they are people-focused like the Influence style but more reserved.

Observable characteristics of the Steadiness personality might include:

  • Patience
  • Supportive and friendly
  • Methodical in their approach to problems
  • Team player
  • Overly accommodating
  • Tend not to voice criticism or display emotions

People who fit into the Steadiness category are unlikely to cause issues within a team. Although the S style will appear to be very confident in their systematic approach, they often have difficulties speaking up or dealing with signs of conflict.

It can be a great learning experience for those who fit into the Steadiness profile to realise that sometimes avoiding conflict can be damaging. The four behavioural styles that the DISC personality model describes are often beneficial to the S style. Often, they see a significant improvement in their workplace interactions and team performance after completing a DISC assessment.


Individuals who sit within the Compliance (C) segment are considered the most analytical and reserved of the four styles.

They are conscientious when dealing with tasks and are often perfectionists. Like those who identify most with Steadiness’s characteristics, they tend to be more reserved and less likely to participate in group discussion. However, unlike the S style, they don’t avoid conflict, and in fact, can sometimes be overly critical. Some may end up alienating their teammates even when they don’t intend to do so.

Those with the C style are naturally risk-averse. Facts and logic drive them, so they will need a full understanding before acting to ensure they get the very best outcome in every situation.

Observable characteristics of the Compliance personality might include:

  • Perfectionist
  • Focused on accuracy and quality
  • Logical
  • Good at problem-solving
  • Find it difficult to integrate into groups
  • Prone to overanalysing

Those who sit in the Compliance segment are likely to excel at accomplishing tasks and work well alone. However, they can struggle to work with others without being overly critical or feeling the need to take control.
Coaxing those with the C style into a team-building event might be challenging. Still, our DISC Flow® assessments help identify why this is, and provide hints and tips to improve interaction with others and build better, healthier relationships.

How is a DISC Flow® Profile Created?

DISC Flow® profiles are generated off the back of a short multi-statement assessment. This assessment tells us which of the DISC styles a person prioritises and provides valuable insight into how they approach their work, communicate and think.

The assessment is easy and quick, only taking around 15 minutes to complete.

DISC Flow® reports are unique. We’ve combined DISC with aspects of Emotional Intelligence to produce a report that helps people and their organisations to maximise potential.

DISC Flow® profiles are designed to help develop decisive leadership, build cohesive teams, improve sales and customer service, enhance communication, reduce conflict and increase employee engagement.

Sample reports are available on

Why use DISC Flow®?

The DISC Flow® model has been purposely designed to be simple to understand and easy to apply. We’ve taken the tried-and-tested DISC model and combined it with the power of emotional intelligence to help people tap into their strengths. People are complex beings, but there are many things DISC Flow® can help us learn about ourselves and others that make it easier to communicate effectively and build more productive trust-based relationships.

DISC Flow® product suite has a range of different solutions to provide HR and L&D professionals with the versatility to craft solutions to meet a wide variety of organisational needs.

DISC Flow® Certification

DISC Flow® is a powerful and highly effective tool that can produce spectacular results when used proficiently.

As more and more organisations experience the benefits of bringing DISC Flow® to their employees, they are also recognising the importance of having certified professionals who can keep DISC alive within the company’s culture.

Completing a DISC Flow® certification course signals a proven level of capability and knowledge — giving you the ability to tie DISC Flow® solutions directly to the individual, team, and organisational goals.

For any business to develop and thrive, employee engagement and satisfaction is the key!

DISC Flow® Certified Trainers are the “go-to person” to drive and embed lasting changes in positive behaviour and communication at an individual, team and organisational level.

Following accreditation, trainers have at their disposal a suite of world-class tools that help craft training solutions that include Management, Sales, Conflict and Team development.

What Can The DISC Group Do For You?

We help organisations solve their people problems!

At The DISC Group, we are experts in personal development. We have over 40 years of experience, improving the efficiency and happiness of professional people.

The DISC Group are experts in behaviour and emotional intelligence. We specialise in personal development; that’s what we do, and all we do! For over 40 years, we have worked with leading companies worldwide to improve the quality of the workplace. Our expertise and approach are unique. Unlike many who look to overcomplicate the subject, our approach teaches people how to communicate more effectively based on a simple to understand and easy to apply method.

Applying the knowledge of DISC in the workplace is straightforward, and its benefits can include developing more effective managers and leaders, building cohesive teams, improved sales and customer service, enhancing communication and reducing conflict.

Hiring Decisions

Although it should never be used in isolation, a DISC Flow® profile can help support your decision making when hiring new talent. As important as it is to know your future employees’ background, education, and previous positions; their personality can reveal how they are likely to go about their role and how they will function in the work environment. DISC assessments can be used during the hiring process, and the report will provide valuable insight into the applicant’s approach and predict likely behaviour.

Applicants usually try to put forward a favourable face in the interview. It might be challenging to ascertain what aspects are accurate and whether some traits are embellished or untrue. As a result of the DISC assessment, you will receive information about an applicant that would otherwise be hard to obtain. If you are looking for specific characteristics necessary to manage the position’s tasks, you can see if the applicant’s behavioural preferences suit these. The assessment will also tell you how best to manage the person in the future, including whether they are likely to require more guidance or if they are more self-sufficient and willing to take the initiative.

Working Relationships

Without a doubt, the quality of any workplace is directly impacted by how well (or not) people communicate with each other! How people build relationships has a massive influence on how engaged, effective and productive they are. Providing DISC based training will help improve how the people in a team interact; with their managers and each other. Recognising a colleague’s personality preferences allows people to tailor their communication and interact with each other more efficiently.

Teams are where things get done in the modern workplace. The DISC model provides a blueprint to help people understand and appreciate what motivates others.

Our DISC Flow® programmes deliver comprehensive workplace solutions that engage every employee and build more productive and effective relationships at work. DISC Flow® creates a personalised learning experience to help participants understand and appreciate the different priorities, preferences, and values each individual brings to the workplace.

Common Language

The DISC Flow® model provides a common language that people can use to understand one another and work better together. No one likes to be judged, and the DISC model encourages non-judgmental language when communicating with colleagues.
Over 40 years of helping others has taught us that you can never overvalue the impact of communication in the workplace.

Self Awareness

Self-awareness means being attuned to your own emotions so you can keep them under control. It also means recognising our strengths and limitations.

DISC is a powerful model of describing human behaviour that helps people understand “why they do what they do”, and the model has been helping individuals, teams and organisations to connect better for over 30 years.

Sales Skills

The DISC Flow® model helps those involved in the sales process to improve their communication with leads and customers. The DISC model shows them HOW to communicate in the most efficient way to people of all styles.

Knowing how to talk to others also helps you sell to others. If other tactics haven’t worked, try DISC Flow®. It is a guaranteed way to improve your sales team’s confidence and make them better at finding a common language to communicate with buyers. Once you’re aware of your personality style and understand how to identify your prospects, and customers’, personality styles, you can adapt your sales approach to better resonate with them.

How Much Do DISC Assessments Cost?

We have the perfect solution for any organisation with an on-going need for profiles within their workplace or for independent Coaches, Consultants & Trainers to use with their clients.

No annual licence fees, renewals or minimum quantity orders.

Check out our store today to find the product that is right for you.

Contact DISC Flow® Today and Let the Workplace Transformation Begin

Now that you have some valuable insights into how The DISC Flow® model can add value to your business; the only thing left to do is call on 0203 195 2898, visit us at or drop us a line at

Discover how you can use the DISC model to improve your teams’ communication, boost professional development, encourage self-awareness and see an all-round improvement in your organisational culture.

The Profiles Group Ltd. — all rights reserved. 

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